Pharmacy Bruelle testimonial

  • Use case
  • Health
Bruelle pharmacy France

« Today we have completely recovered the serenity in the pharmacy and the solution is appreciated by the customers. »


Equipped for many years now, the pharmacy Bruelle wanted to upgrade its patient reception solution.

The installation is as follow: at the entrance, 3 kiosks allow the patients to take a ticket.Then, the called numbers are displayed through 3 video screens distributed strategically in the sales area.


“We implemented this solution because the sales area was designed to be quiet and the significant attendance in the pharmacy imposed a solution with tickets. We had to explain the new concept to our customers. They have adopted it quickly when they saw the benefits of taking a ticket. Today we have completely recovered the serenity in the pharmacy and the solution is appreciated by the customers. I recommend this solution in pharmacies where it is difficult to manage queues.”

Jean-François Bruelle, Pharmacist (SAINT DIÉ DES VOSGES, 88)

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