Brugmann Hospital is made up of 2 locations in the Brussels area, Belgium. We have already implemented serveral installation in different services with traditional queue management system for each of the 2 sites. For a newly renovated building on the Horta site, this customer has contacted us to discuss its reception needs. With no fewer than 237,000 consultations a year, reception is necessarily a crucial point to the smooth running of the patient journey.
The Corporate Reception solution proved to be the ideal solution for Brugmann Hospital. A Phygital Kiosk has been installed opposite the entrance door. Its 55″ screen plays a looped video explaining to patients how to find their way around the hospital. If the patient needs further information, he can press a button also displayed on the screen. A video call is then made to one of the 2 assistants, who can answer the patient’s questions from their office.
For better patient orientation, the system is complemented by 3 information screens on each floor of the hospital. Each screen displays information specific to the services offered on that floor, as well as a reminder of which floor the patient is on.
The Corporate Reception solution is fully realized at Brugmann Hospital. An information video makes it easy to direct the majority of patients, whose visit has been planned in advance, and the Phygital kiosk provides support for those who encounter difficulties. This eliminates the need for a permanent presence in the lobby.