Orion eZQ™ multi-reception

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  • Retail


The checkout process is changing in-store to adapt to new customer expectations or to differentiate brands by the quality of service. Among these new features, the self-checkout (also called SCO) has taken a prominent place in stores thanks to the space saving it generates and the revenue it brings.

However, the all-automatic organization shows its limits by cutting off the customer from human contact during their journey in the store. Some brands are therefore moving towards a hybrid mode of automatic checkout with an agent managing a pool of several SCOs. He can call and welcome customers, help them in case of problem, which reassures and personalizes the reception.

eZQ™ adapts

Needless to say, the SCO system generates a single line from which waiting customers are distributed to an available checkout.

Who says new uses says new needs. So, our single queue solution at the checkout, eZQ™, is equipped with new features.

With Orion Multi-reception, a greeter can call customers for a pool of several checkouts with a single module:

  • Via a tablet/smartphone, he calls checkout by checkout in his island.
  • Or with a Call Unit box, he calls the next one on the free checkout in the island.

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