Pharmacy Le Forestier: testimonial on the single line at checkout

  • Use case
  • Health
Pharmacy Le Forestier France

« Employees are also delighted because the solution is very fluid and very easy to use. »


Pharmacie Le Forestier is located in the small town of Aigrefeuille-sur-Maine in the Loire-Atlantique French department. The entire team works hard every day to provide excellent service to the customers who pass through its doors. For this, the pharmacy’s varied offering is available on site in the store and also online by click & collect or delivery.

Speaking of the services provided to his customers, Mr. Le Forestier wanted to avoid the inconvenience of waiting at the checkouts which, when there are many, can cause problems in the running order.


To this end, the pharmacist decided to equip the checkout area with the eZQ™ solution which organizes the passage of customers in a single line. Here is what Mr. Le Forestier says:

“In the pharmacy, there was a problem with checkout: people were getting in between the shelving, which led to conflicts over the running order. I opted for ESII’s single line solution, because I didn’t want any tickets or beepers and above all I wanted a discreet system.

The system is very good, people understand easily. When they have finished wandering around the pharmacy, they stand in single line and there is no longer any conflict with the running order. Employees are also delighted because the solution is very fluid and very easy to use.”