Smart Kiosk

Reception by video-conference, entries and exits record, interactive demonstration tool.

This hybrid solution is interactive, intuitive, economic and available in SaaS mode.

ESII smartkiosk
Used by:
  • Acelys
  • credit agricole paca
  • msa Sud Aquitaine logo

This multi-location and multi-reception solution can connect by video conference an advisor, agent, remote salesperson with the reception of the various buildings and / or companies where it is installed. It can also record the entries and exits of your visitors and notify in real time the employee with whom your visitor has an appointment.


The Smart Kiosk can also serve as an interactive and fun tool to inform and distract your visitors.
Now with SmartKiosk remote reception, one workstation can accommodate visitors from several locations.

Do you have a project?

Are you interested in Smart Kioks? An expert call you back.

>> Benefits of Smart Kiosk

Available in desk mount, wall mount or stand base.
22” screen, portrait or landscape mode and reclining, webcam and HP integrated.
click & collect solution in SaaS mode
Hosting of the solution included, no local maintenance.
  • Repairability index

    We provide spare parts and we are committed to “reparability, because our products are designed to be durable, robust, reliable and without planned obsolescence”.

    Our actions :

    • Product repair with follow-up procedures
    • Implementation of a policy of reconditioning old equipment to maintain the existence of old installed sites
    • Security storage policy for sensitive components to ensure repairability
    • Maintaining staff capable of ensuring product support over 3 or 4 generations, both in terms of rehabilitating solutions to replacement components, and in seeking adaptation to new solutions to maintain their longevity.

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Use case

smart kiosk 0 reception en


The visitor arrives at the reception and goes to the 22-inch free-standing SmartKiosk terminal positioned in self-service.

smart kiosk 1 reception en

Select the employee

A drop-down list of collaborators with Photo, Last name, First name allows you to select the person with whom the visitor has an appointment.

smart kiosk 2 reception en


The visitor is invited to fill in a form with mandatory fields such as LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, etc.

A message is displayed “The employee has been notified of your arrival, he will come to welcome you in a few moments”.