Video reception kiosk

Welcome kiosk

Reception and information kiosk

Connects a remote receptionist by videoconference with the reception of the various buildings

welcome kiosk reception videoconference
Used by:
  • Hospital Brugmann Bélgica
  • city edmonton logo
  • credit agricole paca
  • village by ca logo
welcome kiosk call

A multi-site and multi-reception solution

The Welcome Kiosks connects a remote receptionist by videoconference with the reception of the various buildings and/or companies where it is installed.

Its large touch screen gives the reception an innovative and modern image while ensuring intuitive and fun use by visitors

welcome kiosk list select

A secure and peace of mind reception

The Welcome Kiosk can also record the entrances and exits of your visitors and notify in real time the employee with whom your visitor has an appointment.

Use cases:

  • CoWorking spaces,
  • Incubators and business facilities,
  • Office or high-end residential buildings,
  • Concierge services
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>>Benefits – Phygital Kiosk

One agent for multiple venues
Video conferencing, HD video and stereo sound
Interactive, visual and intuitive
  • Repairability index

    We provide spare parts and we are committed to “reparability, because our products are designed to be durable, robust, reliable and without planned obsolescence”.

    Our actions :

    • Product repair with follow-up procedures
    • Implementation of a policy of reconditioning old equipment to maintain the existence of old installed sites
    • Security storage policy for sensitive components to ensure repairability
    • Maintaining staff capable of ensuring product support over 3 or 4 generations, both in terms of rehabilitating solutions to replacement components, and in seeking adaptation to new solutions to maintain their longevity.

Download your brochure

Please fill out the form to download the Phygital Kiosk brochure.

Photos of installed sites

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