GDPR compliant

ESII as an organisation is compliant with the standards of GDPR. We work continuously with our legal advisors and Data Protection Officer to ensure that our handling of personal data is GDPR compliant.


ESII is committed to giving you all the means to comply with the GDPR by using our solutions.

For your customers using ESII to book appointments and events or to join the queue, it is important that they are able to access information on how their data is used and can provide consent (where legally required).

  • Anonymization of personal data manually on request or automatically after X months, adjustable by our customers between 1 to 12 months
  • Export on request of personal data
  • Password quality check

To learn more about our GDPR policy, you can refer to our blog post

Personal data

When it comes to data processing, we always choose highly credible and robust suppliers who are GDPR compliant and ISO27001 accredited: The Orion solution is hosted for Europe at Ecritel (ISO 27001 certified).

The data is hosted on 2 separate load-balancing datacenters in France (Clichy and Saint-Denis).

To learn more about Orion hosting, you can refer to our dedicated page :